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Monday, February 1, 2010

Princess Sadie

I decided to start my project with a picture of the middle child. This is Sadie and she is 3. There are a few reasons why I wanted to start my project with this picture. 1. She is adorable, 2. Most girls wanted to be a princess when they were little, and 3. She is a little challenging, and I want to always remember her cute and sweet moments.

Now I know this isn't exactly a princess outfit, but she thinks it is and that is all that matters. She finished off the outfit with her big sisters shoes and her brand new Fur Berry toy. How cute is she? Now if only she could act as cute as she looks! No matter, because no matter how challenging a child is, you have to enjoy them while they are children. They grow far too fast and before you know it that baby like quality is gone.

So, if you are reading this today I guess the point of this post will be to always remember, even if your child is challenging, he or she is only a child for a short period of time. Enjoy the sweet moments, even if if they are few and far between. Before you know it those moments will be gone and you will have a teenager before you.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa! This is great! I might actually do a different blog than my photoblog as well, since you can write so much more on this one. Great way to start! Hopefully I can keep up with you!
