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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Happy Little Swap. Day 29

I belong to a parenting board for Atheists and Agnostics (and some others), and they are the best group of people I have ever known. For all of you out there who think people like us are a bunch of heathens with no morals or values, you are greatly mistaken. They are the most open-minded non-judgemental people I have ever met!

Anyway, we often do swaps on the board. All who sign up are assigned a person that they will send a gift to. We have had several different swaps and they are all so much fun. This swap I received all of these great gifts. There is a book (!), dead sea mineral bath salts, a handmade picture frame, and some handmade (extremely cute) cards. I an so lucky to have such great friends!

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