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Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring is in the air! Day 33

The sun is shining and the snow is melting all around. There is a nice little puddle in the driveway from where the snow is melting off the roof. I love Spring. Lets hope the snow is gone for the season.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Balls! Day 32

Today I made cake balls. They are a little time consuming, but oh so yummy!

Bread Baby. Day 31

Ean loves bread. Plain bread. I think if I let him it would be the only thing he would eat. He can just reach the loaf of bread and he often pulls it down and brings it to me so I can get him a piece. If he sees me grab the loaf he gets very exciting. Kids are funny.

Evil Kitty. Day 30

I know this is not the best picture, but it was the end of the night and I realized I hadn't taken one yet. This is Annie. She used to be our cat, but when we moved to GA we couldn't take her so my Mom kept her. Now she is in our care again, for now. She is my stalker. Everywhere I go she is not far behind, and she sleeps on my legs. That is until I kick her off anyway. She is a good kitty.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Happy Little Swap. Day 29

I belong to a parenting board for Atheists and Agnostics (and some others), and they are the best group of people I have ever known. For all of you out there who think people like us are a bunch of heathens with no morals or values, you are greatly mistaken. They are the most open-minded non-judgemental people I have ever met!

Anyway, we often do swaps on the board. All who sign up are assigned a person that they will send a gift to. We have had several different swaps and they are all so much fun. This swap I received all of these great gifts. There is a book (!), dead sea mineral bath salts, a handmade picture frame, and some handmade (extremely cute) cards. I an so lucky to have such great friends!

Date Night! Day 28

My husband and I got to have a date night for the first time in almost a year. It is so nice to be able to go out with no kids and have a good meal that I didn't cook. Of course, I also had a couple of drinks! We went to the Uno Chicago Grill and it was delicious. The picture does not do it justice because it was taken with my cell phone and it was darkish in there.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cupcake time! Day 27

My Dad comes over on Saturday morning to visit the kids. They LOVE when he comes because he always brings goodies. This morning it was cupcakes. Ean always cracks me up because he digs right in.